Chris Allen

Intern Architect

M.Arch B.A.(Urban & Regional Studies) MRAIC AAA



"Architecture, thoughtfully executed, should elevate the individual and bolster the community."

Chris joined One One Ten to pursue his passion for uncompromising architecture and to help bring the design excellence to Southern Alberta. A resourceful, analytical designer, Chris is known for his conscientiousness and resolute dedication to creating architecture of the highest quality for people, places and the broader public realm.

Chris began his formal post-secondary education at the University of Lethbridge majoring in Urban and Regional Studies. He subsequently pursued a Master's degree at the University of British Columbia in Architecture graduating in 2018.

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Master of Architecture, University of British Columbia
Bachelor of Arts (Urban & Regional Studies), University of Lethbridge


Intern Architect at One One Ten | Architecture, 2021
Intern Architect at FWBA, 2019-20
Design Lead, Type Three Homes, 2018
Design Assistant, Aragon Properties (Vancouver), 2016-17


Intern Member, Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC)
Intern Architect, Alberta Association of Architects (AAA)


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