

'Borderless' Collaboration

A founding part of One One Ten's practice model is organized around a design collective - a group of committed specialists sourced beyond traditional practice boundaries. This approach to consultancy is an emerging shift in architectural practice today. It is based on getting diverse expertise, knowledge and experience around the table to develop better project solutions (no matter where they reside).

Our collective is always supported by a core leadership and supporting team along with expert engineering sub-consultants imperative for successful building outcomes. The value of this hybrid approach lies in its formulation of an exceptionally tailored team in direct response to specific project parameters and requirements.

This collective approach greatly informs the modern studio workshop and recalls a prior tradition of architectural or artisan ateliers which are believed to have created highly rigorous work. The collective idea appeals to a client base seeking to participate in a high trust, people oriented and integrated ideas driven process where the end result reaches the optimal outcome and quality. This approach creates modest operating efficiencies that make One One Ten especially competitive in most marketplaces.

We believe this model of collaboration is an enhancement over traditional delivery firms.

In addition, our collective practice also deepens our ability to pursue broad research interests and other collaborative opportunities for architecture and design, such as competitions at national and international levels.

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